



We are a curated platform connecting the fragmented creative makers community.

We are a New York City and Sao Paulo based community of people, linking art and creativity across the world.

Total Creatives




Open Projects


Active Roundtables

Roundtable Report
Conversing about Johnnie’s 200 years!
collaboration section
How can we invite this well-known character to engage into 21st century mediums of communication?
Round Table Services
Creativity is growing on a fast high-speed mode. Book a Round Table. Together we will discuss your research virtually. Jointly we will identify your needs.
You don’t know what you don’t know!

Advisory Report
How to inject art into a fragrance label?
collaboration section
Crafting Beauty in New York
Book your advisory session
Post your request on the platform. We can help you mapping out your creative brief. We have inhouse, innovative, and disruptive solutions for enhancing customer’s engagement.
If you looking for a specific realization.

Job Report
Teaching a non-digital artist, to create its unique NFT story.
collaboration section
Pedro Wirz’s solo exhibition at Kunsthalle Basel in Switzerland to the NFT community.
Post a Job Request
Are you seeking artists and creatives to assist with your project? Are you looking for a skilled creative team?
Post your request on the platform. We’ll search and connect with the matchmaking profile/s.

N3Plus Community
Our platform is a community committed to bringing people together. We advocate, experience, learn, and support one other in the artistic and digital innovations the consumer goods industries are seeking for. As creative thinkers, we need a sense of community, and that sense of community is what connects us to the many opportunities we develop.
Our art community is benefitting from a large listing of Residencies around the world. We are involved in the categories listed below:
  • Production oriented
  • Research-oriented
  • Exploratory
  • Creation
Each of those categories are either fully funded, partly funded, or self-funded.

Our platform’s ecosystem bridges its art community to retail’s consumer goods in various industries such as Beauty care, Fashion, Food, and Drink. We also connect to prestigious art institutions, schools, and universities.
ecosystem image
Beauty care

Mediums are forms of media that are mostly computational and rely on internet redistribution. Our community expertise is vast and performs in animations, AR, VR, gaming, machine learning are interactive experiences visual (physical or hybrid).
Illustration credit: LAYER Design

We connect the dots for building high-end curated cross-industry opportunities. When collaborating, we strongly believe in expertise, experience, talent, emotion, tech knowledge, and trends immersion.
IFM Paris and Les Galeries Lafayette
collaboration section

new3plus’s founder, Sabine Landolt connected the dots with the Galeries Lafayette in Paris for designing an immersive course Emotion & Communication

collaboration section

new3plus’s founder, Bernardo Faria, connected the dots with Fernanda Romano one of the most dynamic corporate executives we’ve ever met (virtually).

Art Foundation
collaboration section

The YBYTU residence is born from an old will of the collectors Georgiana Rothier and new3plus's founder Bernardo Faria to create a national & international artistic residency program in São Paulo.

Clients Services
Our platform connects the dots! We unite an international and multidisciplinary ecosystem in a creative community for recalibrate brands and corporations’ customers’ engagement and experiences.
We offer curated services, and we’ll help you design and create high-end, innovative solutions.
  • Round Table Services
    Book a Round Table. Together we will discuss, virtually or in person, your research. Jointly we will identify your needs.
  • Match Making
    This service is usually the result of a discussion you have had while having done a Round Table. We can, at this stage, organize a second Round Table matching creative and/or artists for a virtual demo to help to shape your idea or request. We’ll get back to you in five business days with a matching audience.
  • Post a Job/Project
    If you are looking for a specific project outcome, such as renderings, mood boards, experts in AR/VR, skilled gaming designers, high end colorists, or any specific experts, just post a job. We’ll get back to you in 5 business days with a matching profile.

Creative Makers Services
We offer curated matchmaking and offer high end creative projects.
Creative Signup
  • Web Portfolio
    We help you to present yourself, showing your personality, organizing your digital portfolio, focusing on essentials, advising you in the best works selection, creating crisp and sharp contents, shining your cultural expression, and making yourself standing out in the crowd.
  • Match Making
    This service is usually the result of a discussion you have had while having done a Round Table. We can, at this stage, organize a second Round Table with matching creative and/or artists for a virtual demo to help to shape your idea or request. We’ll get back to you in five business days with a matching audience.
  • Residencies
    Typically, our cross-pollination philosophy will guide you in selecting and applying to the best program, fitting to your background and work. The funding for a residency, its conditions, and the criteria for selection vary greatly between different host art centers, and programs around the world. It requires artists to submit a project proposal, résumé, and letter of intent or similar documentation.
  • Open Calls
    For many artists, open calls are an opportunity to get a prompt, a structure, a set of boundaries, and a deadline when working in the studio. Open calls opportunities expose artists to new opportunities, connections, and potential prizes if their work gets selected. Our platform offers curated and special opportunities.
  • Clients and Opportunities
    Our founders believe companies should see the digital sphere and the creative solutions differently by identifying their needs directly in the art world. Most of the time, artists don’t know how connected they are with consumers, and therefore our platform bridges and connects them to concrete project opportunities.

Team & Leadership
New3plus’ platform was created in 2018 by Sabine Landolt, polyglot from Zurich and brand visual communication specialist based in New York City, and Bernardo Faria, successful crypto businessman and well-known contemporary art collector in Sao Paulo and New York City.
Both met at a NYC midtown co-working space and immediately connected their dots. The platform has become an official testing space since 2020, while they moved from midtown to New Museum’s New Inc incubator on the Lower East Side. Very quickly, Sabine and Bernardo have taken the decision to further connect their dots by creating a powerful international advisory board. Five experts, in blockchain, consumer goods, disruptive entrepreneurship, outthinking business strategy, and art-research who since then, have tirelessly tested, brainstormed, designed, and guided the two founders in their initial pitching.
The group believes in challenge of consumer good transitioning, advocates in inter-disciplinary and multi-cultural know-how, and inside-outside expertise of corporate and art world.
Sabine Landolt
Consumer goods
Visual Communication Strategy
Brand Development & Partnership
Bernardo Faria
Contemporary Art
Digital Art
Financial Services
Marc Ziade
Business Development
Strategic Planning
Claudio Garcia
Global Management
Human Resources
Strategic Planning
Nuno Teles
Business Development
Brand Management
Gary Zheng Xang
Contemporary art
Digital art
Creative writing
Renjie L. Butalid
Business Development





N3Plus' is based at the NEW INC, the world’s first museum-led incubator for art, technology and design located in the heart of the Lower East Side in Manhattan.
How can we help?

Chat with out founders, Sabine and Bernardo.

Chat with us
Replies within a day
Copyright © new3plus. 2023